Despite the fact that the Wismec brand (and it’s no secret that this is one of the Joyetech sub-brands for working in the US market) has appeared recently, several rather interesting devices have already appeared under this brand, and it seems that the manufacturer is only picking up pace.
One clearomizer on replaceable evaporators under the Wismec brand has already come out – it was a pretty elegant outwardly, but internally almost indistinguishable from Joyetech eGo ONE clearomizer with the romantic name Amor, and now, with the advent of the Presa 75W battery mode in Amor, a younger brother has also formed, with plus sign – Amor Plus , aka Amor +. As far as the youngest turned out to be more talented than the older one, and whether he managed to surpass him in anything, we will now try to understand our review.

The first thing that catches your eye – to the Plus version, our Amor has grown seriously. If the first Amor was a kind of plump “shorty” with frosted glass and a small, only 2.5 ml, liquid tank, then our watched got a transparent glass, and was comparable in size to fairly large representatives of the genre of modern clearomizers, such as Zephyrus or Subtank, and just didn’t reach one of the tallest clearomizers – Eleaf Melo 2 .
Height – 54 mm, at the waist – 22 mm.
Naturally, the size of the tank also increased with the size: now it is 3.8 ml., Which is already pretty good, although far from the records. However, with modern capacities and 10 ml. it may not be enough to steam with taste at least one day away, so here we will not quibble much, converging on the fact that the tank volume is expected for a clearomizer of a similar size.
We briefly touch on the appearance and materials of the case, then to move on to the most interesting part – the refueling system, the adjustments and the evaporators used.
Amor Plus metal parts are made of stainless steel. Not too dull, but not too polished – in general, just right. The liquid tank does not present any surprises either: it is made of transparent, colorless tempered glass. Unfortunately, we did not put a spare tank in the kit, although this would be useful. We recommend not to forget about protective silicone “couplings”, which now are for every taste and color.
On the top of the clearomizer there is a squeezed out nice Wismec logo, but the name is nowhere to be seen – it is only on the box, just next to the proud inscription “Designed in California”.

By the way, on the ring just below the logo you can see four icons – two in the form of a drop, two in the form of a stylized image of a couple. And on the very top ring – a mark in the form of a circle. Why are they needed there, we will definitely figure it out.
But first, let’s take a look below, and pay attention to the base of the clearomizer. On the sides there are two groups of five large holes – this is the traditional adjustment of the air supply. Well, if we turn our hero upside down, then the name “Amor +” is just revealed. The connector is quite ordinary, according to the manufacturer, the central pin is made “floating” and, by the way, sticks out quite a bit. We checked – it seems that a certain degree of freedom for the central pin, indeed, is available. This is good, there will be less compatibility issues with various battery mods.

A few words about the configuration: with the exception of the lack of spare glass, it can be called quite generous. Three replaceable evaporators, one of which, a 0.3 Ohm cantal, is already installed in the tank, and the other two, nickel and titanium, lie in their places in the box. And next to them is the fourth, this time – RBA. Unfortunately, it did not work out a full-fledged serviced base with screw mounts for a spiral, it is rather a “semi-serviced” variant of the Joyetech CLR type — that is, a replaceable evaporator with a horizontal spiral that can be disassembled and restored on it independently. In the kit for this there is a cantal skein of diameter 0.5 and a small “tile” of cotton wool.
In addition to them, to restore the winding you will need: desire, some sleight of hand and some tool.Well, those evaporators that are not serviced by design resemble those of Melo and iJust 2, although they are much smaller. In terms of size, it is a cross between the Joyetech CL and Eleaf EC evaporators. Spirals, as has recently become fashionable, are vertical.
The manufacturer indicates only the resistance of the windings for evaporators, silent about their maximum power. We conducted a small test, about the results a little lower. We finish the review of the configuration with a mention of four colored silicone o-rings – two blue and two red. These are gaskets between the body and the tank glass, which you can replace yourself if you want to “blossom” your Amor Plus (white seals were originally installed). To “change clothes” you need to unscrew the tank from the base and simply “pull” the glass from the gaskets. We immediately set the red ones – with them Amor Plus looks more fun.
Now, remember the badges on the upper rings, and talk about the refueling method.
Gas station
As a matter of fact, it is the refueling method that distinguishes Amor Plus from its kind, and, admittedly, it turned out to be convenient and progressive.

For refueling, you need to remove the top cap, which in combination is an adapter for the 510th mouthpiece, and combine the round icon on the top ring with the refueling icon (in the form of a drop) on the ring below it. At this moment, at the upper end, two large sectors open for refueling directly into the tank, but the most interesting thing happens on the floor below, where the holes for supplying liquid to the evaporator automatically overlap. So, the tank at the time of refueling does not turn into an open pipe, and the liquid does not spill through the air ducts in your hands.
If one of you has dealt with tanks with top filling, you know that when opening the filling hole, it is necessary to block the air ducts to prevent the liquid from rushing out through them. You constantly forget to do this, as a result of which you encounter an excessive consumption of liquid and napkins. Here, in Amor Plus, everything happens automatically – the top opens, the bottom closes, and vice versa. The liquid is securely locked in the tank, and, by golly enough, Amor Plus can be loved just for that.