Pod System for 10 Euros made in the UK. Zillion Pod by 88Vape

Good evening to all those who are actively interested in the development of the vaping industry. Here is someone who, if not the British, will please us with new projects and countless evidence that vaping is by far the best alternative to smoking. As you remember, in this country, studies have proven that an electronic cigarette is the best tool in the fight against addiction, in addition, manufacturers from the UK even provide a variety of rewards. But for some reason, you and I do not know much of the manufacturers from this country, although there are no restrictions regarding vapers, manufacturers of vaping devices. The market was flooded with Chinese products, Chinese clones and original expensive models from moderators from Europe, the USA and other parts of our planet. Today we will not talk about some fancy mod on the board, or discuss another mechanical mod or squonker, but look at a simple, cheap device that was primarily developed as a cheap alternative to cigarettes. Having got a little acquainted with the activities of the company, I managed to find out that previously they were engaged only in liquids, but over time various kinds of devices began to appear, which now go as auxiliary products.Zillion Pod is one of the latest projects from the company which, as I have already said, is cheap and fashionable and modern. In general, we ask to love and favor …

Well, for starters, let’s talk about packaging and packaging, although here it is no different from the same Chinese products. A small device is packaged in a rectangular box made of thick cardboard, there is a lot of information on the box, there you will find a listing of the main characteristics of the device and you will find a bunch of warning labels and restrictions, which tells us that the product is export-oriented. On the lid of the package will also be shown a device of the color that is in the package. Then we have the equipment, here, too, you won’t find anything special. The battery pack, cartridge, cable for quick recharging and user instructions, this is all, perhaps, that can be distinguished in the configuration.