So, the latest and most technically “sophisticated” battery mod on the market is WISMEC REULEAUX 200W.

Before proceeding with the review of the device – and, believe me, it will be very long, because the device has an almost infinite number of features and settings, let’s deal with its name. The name is clearly French, but if you try to find this word in the French-Russian dictionary, the maximum that you find there is “Rölö”. This word is read in exactly the same way, and in itself it does not mean anything, because, strangely enough, it is a surname, and not even a French one, but a German one – the German mechanic Franz Röhlo, who first studied and used the so-called “triangle” in mechanisms Ryelo. ”
According to Wikipedia, “Triangle Triangle [* 1] represents the intersection of three equal circles with centers at the vertices of a regular triangle and radii equal to its side. The nonsmooth closed curve bounding this figure is also called the Röhlo triangle. ”It sounds quite abstruse, but in reality it’s not so complicated, and you all have probably seen this figure. The Röhlo triangle is found in mechanisms such as pumps, rotary internal combustion engines, and the like. Used it as an architectural element. As a matter of fact, it is the Ryelo triangle that is the emblem of this mod, and its image can be seen on the box and on the device itself.
Why, why this particular figure is chosen as the name is no secret, REULEAUX uses as many as three 18650 batteries, and there is certainly something in common with the three batteries and the Roelo triangle installed in the device – unless, of course, you look from the end.
Well, we figured out the name, now it remains only to remember how it is pronounced correctly, and proceed to unpacking.
The box, as you see, is usual for Wismec – made of thick black cardboard without any frills. Note the Powered by Evolv DNA200 label. This is a limited batch of devices based on the original board made by the famous American company Evolv, which managed to gain fame as a “pioneer” in the development of electronics for mods. Actually, the lion’s share of the rather big price of REULEAUX is the cost of the board from Evolv. Is it worth that kind of money? We will deal with you now. We only mention that Wismec has already announced a simplified and cheaper version of RELEAUX RX, which is indistinguishable from the hero of our review externally, and also has a maximum power of 200 watts, but it’s built not around the Evolv mainboard, but on the mainboard manufactured by Wismec itself, there is a different display. other customization and customization options.
Under the cover of the box, we see the hero of our review. The first thing that catches your eye is the impressive size of the device. But, if you take it into your hands, it turns out that everything is not so scary – this, of course, is not exactly the Röhlo triangle, but taking into account the record power of 200 watts and three 18650 batteries inside, the device is quite compact and fits nicely in the hand.
- Dimensions: H – 84 mm, W – 39.7 mm, D – 49.5 mm.
- Weight without batteries: 187 g.
- Weight with batteries: 318 g.
It is quite difficult to discuss the design as such, because everyone has their own ideas about the beautiful, but it feels that during the development they paid a lot of attention. The complicated shape of the battery cover, the contrasting insert in the housing under the display, the ergonomic shape – in general, REULEAUX seemed to us a pretty guy. The only color solution so far is a light gray case with a dark gray insert and a battery cover. No “Asian”, chrome and other conspicuous architectural excesses: everything is modest, neat and thorough. There is, perhaps, even something Scandinavian in his best sense of the word.
The case material, apparently – is a good, strong aluminum alloy with a high-quality and wear-resistant coating.
At the upper end we see an emblem in the form of that very Ryelo triangle, but on the main button there is someone’s painting. This is an autograph of Jay Bo, the famous American “modder” who participated in the development of REULEAUX.
The same autograph can also be found on the lower end, where it is adjacent to the name, the proud inscription “Made by Wismec”, the emblem in the form of a Röhlo triangle and a mass of ventilation holes.

In general, the ventilation problem has been solved radically – four groups of holes at the bottom end are complemented by three large side holes assembled into two elegant “oblique” lines.
If you look REULEAUX “in the face”, we will see the main button with the Jay Bo autograph, a small vertical display of the DNA 200 board, two control buttons, one of which is marked with a recess in the middle, and a micro-USB port for charging and exchanging data with a personal computer. As you will see later, it is the data exchange with a special program and the ability to configure literally everything in the world that are, in fact, the main “feature” of both the DNA 200 board and the device as a whole.
In addition to the 510 type connector with a spring-loaded central pin and steel thread, there is nothing particularly remarkable at the top end, except for the same logo in the form of a Ryo triangle.

The battery cover is easy to remove, just pry it by the recesses on the case and hold it in place with powerful magnets. And it holds well – practically does not walk at hand and, therefore, will not be annoying with constant use, as this often happens. Although, in fairness, it must be said that there is still a tiny backlash – real perfectionists may be dissatisfied.
Take a look under the cover. There is a huge battery compartment for three 18650 batteries, the insides of which are made of high-quality and very durable plastic with a delicate mint shade. The design of the battery holders inspires respect – here are the powerful spring-loaded pins from the “minuses” side and the original “plus” contacts protected by the sides, which, according to the manufacturer, firstly protect against accidental polarity reversal, and secondly, they fix the batteries and don’t let them touch each other. Well, it seems very much that it is partly the case – the installed batteries are reliably fixed on the plus side, but on the minus side they are still free to shift and touch each other. However, we do not think that this is a problem.
The batteries sit tight in place, do not move or rattle, even if REULEAUX shakes vigorously. In the battery compartment – offset. In general, in terms of workmanship, materials and overall design, it is very similar to the battery compartments of the latest Joyetech and Eleaf models – such as the eVic VTC mini and iStick 60W.
Naturally, in order to get the declared 200W at the output, you need to use good batteries with high current efficiency. They are not included in the package, the user is invited to purchase them independently.
Batteries, by the way, can be charged without removing from the battery compartment – simply by connecting to a USB port. This is a huge plus, but it must be borne in mind that the passthrough mode, as such, is not here, and when you press the main button, the charging process stops immediately, and starts again only after some time. This process can be observed in real time through a special software monitor, but we will return to this.
Well, let’s end the story about the appearance of REULEAUX by mentioning two screws under the “asterisk”, two of which can be found on the upper and lower ends, and a few more under the battery cover. Their presence suggests that the device will not be too difficult to disassemble and, if necessary, repair. This is a definite plus, especially considering its considerable price.
As they say, they are met by clothes, and escorted by the mind. The appearance of our hero, we admired plenty, it’s time to talk about its capabilities.
And the possibilities, I must say, to match the appearance – are equally impressive. The “filling” of the device, responsible for all his talents, is the Evolv DNA 200 board already mentioned above, which at the moment is the real pinnacle of electronic mod-building. The board was developed and is being manufactured in the USA; real vaping fans took part in its creation, so much can be expected from it. Once again, let me mention that the original DNA 200 board is installed only in a limited batch of RELEAUX, literally several thousand pieces. The bulk of the devices will be produced with their own version of the board and will be called REULEAUX RX.
We begin the review of characteristics with the most obvious: with maximum power. She, as they used to say at Rolls-Royce, was “sufficient.” And in fact, is there now a vaper that does not have enough two hundred full-watt watts? Of course, appetite comes with eating, and more recently, even 50 watts seemed completely redundant, but we think that 200 watts will be relevant for at least another year. Or maybe much longer – in the end, the power race should end sooner or later.
As for the operating modes, everything is a little unusual here – instead of the “varivatt”, “varivolt”, “thermal control” modes, etc. pre-configured profiles are switched, which can be as many as 8 pieces. But the “inside” of each profile can be “delayed” as you like, and configure almost everything that you can basically want to configure. True, this will have to be done using a special program by connecting the REUALEAUX to the computer with a USB cord. The settings using the buttons on the device itself are very scarce and come down, in fact, to a change in the power and temperature of the evaporator, but this is fully compensated by a literally limitless sea of settings using the program.
The formal specifications of the DNA 200 board, according to its manufacturer, are as follows:
- maximum output power – 200 watts
- maximum output voltage – 9 Volts
- Maximum output current – up to 55 Amperes at peak
- Minimum supported load resistance – essentially unlimited
Well, if we talk about the supported types of material of the spirals in thermal control, then there is both shine and poverty. The poverty is that only Ni200 nickel is supported “out of the box”, and the brilliance is that it is possible to load the temperature profile under almost any spiral material through the program and a special web service. And you can create this profile yourself literally with “pens” by dragging points on the graph. So there is no doubt – with any of your windings REULEAUX one way or another will cope, no matter what material it is from.
In fact, instead of the “classic” mode switching, it will be easier and more convenient for the REULEAUX user to create a separate profile for each of their favorite atomizers, taking into account all its features, and simply switch between profiles. Total profiles can be up to 8 pieces. Switching is quite simple – first you need to block the power control by simultaneously holding down the up and down buttons, and then double-click on any of these buttons – and thus get into the profile selection menu. By pressing the “up” or “down” button, it is necessary to scroll to the desired profile, and confirm its selection with the main button. It should be noted that in the program you can not only set arbitrary names for profiles (for example, you can name them by the name of the atomizer or by the type of winding used),
However, we’ll return to this when we consider the management using the eScribe program, but for now we’ll see what else can be done using the buttons on the device itself.
Let’s start with the usual on and off switch for all five times. It is, as it were, and no matter how it is. In fact, by fivefold pressing the lock mode of all buttons is turned on and off, but the screen does not go blank (generally speaking, its behavior can be flexibly configured through the program, like almost everything else). In blocking mode, it will not work, but if in this mode you hold down the “up” and “down” buttons for a couple of seconds, then you can get to the thermal control menu. Here you can either disable it altogether, or set a limit on the maximum temperature of the spiral. For those steam workers who already had experience in thermal monitoring with Joyetech, Eleaf or Wismec devices, the principle of thermal monitoring on REULEAUX may seem strange – even if thermal monitoring is turned on, the user still does not control the spiral temperature, but the output power. Well, and if thermal monitoring is enabled, then the set temperature value serves only to limit it “from above”, that is, at any selected power, the electronics will not allow the spiral to warm up above the specified temperature. It turns out, in fact, the “varivatt” mode with a temperature limit. Joyetech eVic VT has something similar, but everything is turned inside out – the user controls the temperature, but you can set a power limit above which the device will not go even if the desired temperature has not yet been reached. Which is better and worse, which of the modes is more convenient is for you to judge, but in our opinion, this is a matter of habit, and there is not much difference between them. Both that and other approach allow you to regulate the amount of steam and protect from overheating and “burning”, but what, in fact, still needs? then the set temperature value serves only to limit it “from above”, that is, at any selected power the electronics will not allow the spiral to warm up above the specified temperature. It turns out, in fact, the “varivatt” mode with a temperature limit. Joyetech eVic VT has something similar, but everything is turned inside out – the user controls the temperature, but you can set a power limit above which the device will not go even if the desired temperature has not yet been reached. Which is better and worse, which of the modes is more convenient is for you to judge, but in our opinion, this is a matter of habit, and there is not much difference between them. Both that and other approach allow you to regulate the amount of steam and protect from overheating and “burning”, but what, in fact, still needs? then the set temperature value serves only to limit it “from above”, that is, at any selected power the electronics will not allow the spiral to warm up above the specified temperature. It turns out, in fact, the “varivatt” mode with a temperature limit. Joyetech eVic VT has something similar, but everything is turned inside out – the user controls the temperature, but you can set a power limit above which the device will not go even if the desired temperature has not yet been reached. Which is better and worse, which of the modes is more convenient is for you to judge, but in our opinion, this is a matter of habit, and there is not much difference between them. Both that and other approach allow you to regulate the amount of steam and protect from overheating and “burning”, but what, in fact, still needs? that is, at any selected power, the electronics will not allow the spiral to warm up above the specified temperature. It turns out, in fact, the “varivatt” mode with a temperature limit. Joyetech eVic VT has something similar, but everything is turned inside out – the user controls the temperature, but you can set a power limit above which the device will not go even if the desired temperature has not yet been reached. Which is better and worse, which of the modes is more convenient is for you to judge, but in our opinion, this is a matter of habit, and there is not much difference between them. Both that and other approach allow you to regulate the amount of steam and protect from overheating and “burning”, but what, in fact, still needs? that is, at any selected power, the electronics will not allow the spiral to warm up above the specified temperature. It turns out, in fact, the “varivatt” mode with a temperature limit. Joyetech eVic VT has something similar, but everything is turned inside out – the user controls the temperature, but you can set a power limit above which the device will not go even if the desired temperature has not yet been reached. Which is better and worse, which of the modes is more convenient is for you to judge, but in our opinion, this is a matter of habit, and there is not much difference between them. Both that and other approach allow you to regulate the amount of steam and protect from overheating and “burning”, but what, in fact, still needs? but everything is turned inside out – the user controls the temperature, but you can set a power limit above which the device will not go even if the desired temperature has not yet been reached. Which is better and worse, which of the modes is more convenient is for you to judge, but in our opinion, this is a matter of habit, and there is not much difference between them. Both that and other approach allow you to regulate the amount of steam and protect from overheating and “burning”, but what, in fact, still needs? but everything is turned inside out – the user controls the temperature, but you can set a power limit above which the device will not go even if the desired temperature has not yet been reached. Which is better and worse, which of the modes is more convenient is for you to judge, but in our opinion, this is a matter of habit, and there is not much difference between them. Both that and other approach allow you to regulate the amount of steam and protect from overheating and “burning”, but what, in fact, still needs?
What else can be done in device lock mode? Well, for example, you can hold down the main button and the down button at the same time, and turn “stealth” mode on or off in this way, in which the screen will be extinguished when hovering.
But if you hold down the main button and the up button on a locked device, you can lock or unlock the resistance of the evaporator. The lock indication is standard – the Ω icon turns into an image of a closed lock. As always, blocking the resistance must be done at room temperature of the evaporator.
So, with the buttons on the device we can:
a) Turn on and off the full lock
b) Turn on and off the power change lock
c) adjust the power
d) Set the temperature limit or turn off the temperature control altogether
d) Turn on and off the “stealth” mode
f) Lock and unlock atomizer resistance
g) Switch between profiles configured in eScribe
As you can see, sparse for a device of this level. But do not worry, because, as we said above, in REULEAUX you can configure literally everything and plus a car of everything, but you will have to do this by connecting it with a USB cord to your computer and running the special eScribe program on it.
Now about the display. It is relatively large, although inferior in size and information content to the best representatives of the genre, such as Joyetech eVic VT, etc., and in this sense, perhaps closer to iStick displays. Technology – OLED, monochrome display, light green graphics on a black field.
By default, the display has a battery indicator, large symbols of installed power, and three adjustable positions to the left, the contents of which can be controlled via eScribe. By default, it displays: atomizer resistance, voltage supplied to the connector and the set temperature limit for thermal monitoring. Well, and to bring to these positions, as already mentioned, you can practically anything, to your own taste.