Acevape Arjuna Mech Mod kit – a cute but controversial set
Well, now let’s get down to more “graceful creations”. Next in line is a product from Acevape, and it became a set, and also of an unpopular concept – this is a mechanical mod with a drip. Personally, the products of these relatively young conquerors of the vape market sympathize with me. Therefore, I will be pleased to introduce you to her.
Acevape Arjuna Mech Mod kit An
unpleasant moment for me was the fact that the release had already taken place, and the information was almost zero, as well as sane photos. I honestly waited a week and a half, but nothing has changed. You probably have to be content with little, I decided, and began to cook up this article. So much the worse for the manufacturer.
Dimensions: 89 x 27mm (only mod)
Weight: 135.5g Case
Material: copper
Power supply: 1 x 18650/1 x 120700/1 x 21700
Operating mode: POWER
Protection: no
Connector type: steel 510, hybrid
Color: while only black
Arjuna RDA
Case material: stainless steel
Atomizer type: RDA
Capacity: average
Diameter: 25mm
Height : 23mm without drip type
Connector: 510, pin gilded
Weight: 50g
Color: so far only black
Options (probable)
– Arjuna Mech Mod
– Arjuna RDA
– spare parts
– carrying bag
– adapter for batteries of a smaller size
– user manual
– warranty card The

exterior of the set aroused conflicting feelings – it seems that there is not much decor, and the shape with its bends is nice, but there is not enough of a final chord that will put an end to individuality, recognition and attractiveness. In defense, it is worth adding that in general – as is customary to say – our hero looks quite tolerable, though it is offered only in one version – dark.
Dripka is deprived of attention undeservedly. It seems that it is she who gives at least some “charm” to this set. Little is known about it, or rather, little is visible, therefore, you will have to tell you everything in words.
Blowing is likely to be adjustable – due to the rotation of the dome relative to the side skirt. The air intake is upper, so we get some kind of spill.
The four-rack deck, the profile of the racks resembles Drop, the fixation of the spirals is correct. Between the racks there are a couple of holes for the lower blower, and the platform with them is cut at an angle – I do not think this is the best solution, although most likely the air will be directed at an angle from the deck.
The fur mod is made of brass, the wall thickness did not seem to evaluate the possibilities. The connector is hybrid, the maximum possible landing for it is 25mm atoms in diameter.

In terms of used batteries, our hero is almost omnivorous – he will digest smaller sizes using a complete adapter.
The button construct, as you see, is the simplest. The performance material of the contact group is unknown – it is likely to have been coated. The contact spot is decent. Since the “mechanism” of adjusting to the height of the battery is not visible, it is quite possible that direct contact will occur inside the button – and its thickness hints at this a little. Therefore, you can “forget” about the black dots on the battery – they will be there exactly – inside.