
What Is E Cigarette and how to use it

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When we hear word “smoking” we start thinking about tobacco cigarette which is extremely smelly and harmful. However e cigarettes become more and more popular day by day. According to researches conducted by Electronic Cigarette Association, the total number of e cigs smokers exceeds 300 000 people. This figure could be much higher but some countries ban the products stating that an effect of e cigs on health was not analyzed well enough yet. Well, anyway it is quite interesting and useful to have a closer look at e cigs. This relatively new product can substitute tobacco cigarettes in the nearest future.
E cigarettes are unique in many ways. First of all, these devices imitate regular smoking but they do not use any tobacco at all. The mechanism of e-cigs is absolutely revolutionary. And the best thing about e cigarettes is smokers do not need to go outside to use them! But let’s talk more detailed about e cigarettes. Within this article we will tell you what is an e cigarette and how e cigarette work.

5 Interesting Things About e Cigarettes

There are many advantages of e cigs that make them quite popular. The most important pros of e cigs are the following:

  • they are less harmful when regular cigs
  • it is possible to smoke e cig indoor
  • there is no bad breath after e cig
  • e cigs help to quit smoking
  • e cigs can be charged with regular USB cable

Principles of e cigarette work or how does e cigarette work?

E cigs are very convenient and easy to use. In fact they are real devices with understandable principle of work. How do e cigarettes work? Let’s have a look at the mechanism of e cigs and discuss several issues.
First of all you should know that e cig is an electronic device consisting of several parts – battery, cartridge, light-emitting diode and atomizer. LED is responsible for imitating of smoldering end of a cigarette. Battery provides the device with electricity and cartridge contains special liquid which is necessary for smoking.
Developers try to make e-cigs absolutely identical to tobacco cigarettes. And it is quite convenient: smokers do not look strange with unknown device; it just looks like regular smoking. Is an e cigarette different in design? – surely, not.
Typically such cigarettes are sold in form of electronic cigarette starter kits. Such sets include everything a smoker needs: cigs, liquid, batteries and even USB cables to charge e cigarette.

Are e Cigarettes Less Harmful Than Regular Cigarettes?

One of the main advantages of e cigs is that they are less harmful than tobacco cigarettes. Still it is very early to say but results of first researches show e cigs produce just a small share of hazardous wastes. For instance, one of the researches was conducted by Boston University School of Public Health. Level of carcinogens in electronic cigarettes was found by Boston scientists to be up to 1 thousand times lower than tobacco cigs. Researches of Boston University also concluded that use of e cigs can help smokers stop smoking thanks to simulation of regular tobacco consumption. Are there any more question like does the e cigarette really work? Probably no.

Buying Best e Cigarette

E cigs are still relatively new on the market. Thus many consumers are quite conservative about them. People are asking “do e cigarettes work” and “where to buy e cigarettes”. Well, just a few years ago it was not an easy task to find e cig. But nowadays you won’t face any problems; just browse several online stores or visit your local malls. E cigs are sold in most countries including USA, EU members and China. Moreover staff members of stores will definitely explain you how do e cigarettes work and tell you about basic rules of e cigarette maintenance. So, you will definitely find where to buy e cigarette.
But before you buy and start using e cigarettes you should choose a proper product. In fact most newcomers are not sure which cig to buy and it is not surprising; there are so many of them! Well, when you start looking for a cigarette you should have a closer look at most important features of a product:
– dimensions of e cigarette
– quality and volume of steam
– duration of work with battery
– volume of liquid tank in cartridge
No doubts, it would be perfect if a cigarette can work forever, generating aroma steam. But the more steam e cig produces the less is duration of work. So, all four components are connected. Probably the best way to chose e cig is to select the product with best combination of quality and price.

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